Words of the Soul


I have spent so much of my time worrying about worse case scenarios. I’ve experienced loss and pain and unexpected life changes, but they were never the things I worried so much about.

Life is hard, and neither yours nor mine will be an exception.

I’ve learned that once you experience intense loss, it will always be a part of you.

But, life can still be good, even though it is hard and it’s okay to cry and mourn. And there are others out there to help you when you need it.


I don’t know how to heal it, this grief that runs through me,

It was so unexpected, days I never thought I’d see.

I’d always fret and worry about all that could go wrong,

But never anticipated this story would become my song.

I try to keep moving forward taking one step at a time,

But some days it’s just too hard and the sadness undermines,

Any progress that I make toward healing this excruciating grief,

And some days I just need to cry because that’s all that brings relief.

On other days I manage, and life goes along just fine,

It’s hard to know just how I’ll feel at any given time,

So, I walk forward in my grief, it seems it will always be my friend,

It regularly reminds me of the loss, I feel it once again.

That life will never be the same, I’ll never have it back,

Life now runs along a new and frightening track.

It’s different and it’s hard, sometimes I hate this ride,

But life can still be good, though grief is ever by my side.

Explore other words that have been written in the mountains delving into this life experience.

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