Words of the Soul


The Story Behind the Poem: Still

This past year we moved to the mountains. It was not an easy move. There was a lot of struggle in a lot of areas, because moving is a big change!

As I faced some of the struggles, I would hike to the mountain behind our house. You dip into a ravine, before you climb to the top of a beautiful overlook that is all national forest. There is an occasional plane overhead, but otherwise nothing in sight.

This mountain became my personal temple, the place where I am able to commune with and feel God in my life. It was a place that was present when everything else I had relied on was gone and it was another manifestation that we feel closest to our creater when we are in his creations… at least for me.



It’s in the quiet of the mountains I hear you gently say my name,

And know that things will be all right, though nothing’s really changed.


And as I see the bluebird glide down in the valley far below,

I know that you will help me fly, though I’ve never felt so low.


When my soul is troubled, and my heart feels like it will break,

It’s in the trickle of the water, by a stream, or near a lake,


That lets me know you’re with me, I need only look around,

When it is still and quiet when I can’t hear a sound,


That’s when my soul is spoken to and when I know you’re near,

Though the wind and whistle of the birds are all I really hear.


When the world has turned against me and I don’t feel I have a friend,

Your gentle arms surround me in the blowing of the wind.


So, when I am so troubled, when my mind is filled with fear,

I really need do nothing more than be still, for you are near.


You whisper to my mind that when the struggle comes again,

I must only look at your creations and then simply let you in.

Read more poetry here.

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