Words of the Soul


The Story Behind the Poem: Create

Everyone has an intrinsic desire to create. It begins in childhood.

One of my children went to a nature school this past year. Its campus is by a river. One day we got done with our errands early and arrived with quite a bit of time to kill.

We sat by the river. I read beside my daughter who was with me. My young son sat by the side of the river. He began to build and create out of the sand and water. It reminded me of his dad who is always building things or creating new things. Trails on our property. Dams at water sources we visit. And he works day in and day out providing for our family.

In that moment I saw all the children. How they morph into the men and women who create the world that we are all now surrounded by. These children are following in the footsteps of their parents. They will have children who follow in their footsteps.

It is the very real circle of life and it begins when we are children, in our imaginations, which we then take and turn into our life and use to take care of our children, and the cycle continues.


He builds, he works, he creates.

She softens, refines, and doesn’t even hesitate.


To create a world of function and ease.

A place of safety, where you may do as you please


He starts with rocks and dirt, water and sand.

She starts a baby herself, holding a baby doll’s hand.


Then they grow and soon will join together,

And work for a world, create a tether.


A place to learn, to grow, to explore.

What was done for them, they do once more,


for the children they now carry in their arms.

No longer a young boy and a girl they protect the new life from harm.


There is a magic, yet it’s so ordinary

These children they will forever carry,


in their heart and in their mind,

drawing closest to love divine.


Oh, they aren’t perfect. Don’t you dare think that!

But they give their best with where they are at.


Then the boys and the girls, they will also grow,

And use all they’ve been given so their children will know


they are loved beyond belief and their parents hope for the best

It will continue on after that first boy and girl are laid to rest

Check out other poetry, here.

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