Improving Myself

The Psychological Power of Prayer

Many believe there is religious power in prayer, an ability to communicate with a higher being. Regardless of the validity of this notion, there is a power of prayer that will change your psychological response to the world.

Identifying Blessings

When many pray, they will identify blessings they receive or offer gratitude for the things they appreciate in their life. The ability to identify good things in your life unlocks good feelings. Our thoughts and what we focus on translate into the feelings we have, so when we are focused on the good in life, we feel good about our life. Conversely, if your thoughts focus on all that is wrong in your life, your feelings likewise follow leading to sadness, depression and discouragement.

Expressing gratitude interrupts toxic thought patterns that lead to depression, anxiety and rumination. When we look at what is right with life, instead of what is not working well with life, we are given strength to face the more challenging aspects in life. However, if we only focus on the difficult aspects, it can easily lead to feeling defeated and overwhelmed.

Perhaps most importantly, the expression of gratitude must occur on a regular basis in order for mental health benefits to follow. Therefore, there is wisdom in developing a daily pattern of expressing gratitude or identifying the things that you appreciate.

Expressing Desires

In prayer, individuals often plead for the things they believe they need or want. While those things which are prayed for, are often out of an individual’s control, there are many times when individuals have more control than they realize.

Expressing what we believe we need or want can come to be a “vision board” of sorts. As we express our desires and then think of them, it allows our mind to have clarity as to how various goals can be accomplished or desires can be achieved.

This same expression can allow our mind to accept the idea that our desires may not be changed or our fate not altered and allow us to understand how we might face the future.

The mere act of contemplation, vocalization or clarified thinking can all enable a greater capacity to both cope and achieve.

Prayer is Really About You

Some people believe that prayer is something God requires, or that we do it for Him or to honor Him. When the consequences of prayer are analyzed, it is clear that prayer is about the individual who is praying. Prayer does not impact God one way or another. Prayer does impact the individuals who engage in it and perhaps this is why a loving Heavenly Father would command us to “Pray always.” Through prayer our life can be both enriched and clarified and as a result, greater mental health and spiritual benefit is experienced.

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